
Congratulations to Dr Elaine Ong

Published Sat 30 Jan 2021

The Boroondara Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year Awards, presented at the Australia Day citizenship ceremony, recognise the work of members of the Boroondara community who demonstrate exceptional leadership or commitment towards improving others’ quality of life. A veterinarian who spends her free time caring for animals impacted by natural disasters, the founder of Yarra Gospel Community Choir and a young community volunteer are the recipients of this year’s awards.

Dr Elaine Ong started doing welfare work as a volunteer vet in the aftermath of the Boxing Day tsunami. She has volunteered as a vet and expert wildlife rescuer in significant bushfires and flood in Victoria for the last 20 years, including the Black Saturday bushfires and recently in the Mallacoota fires. Dr Ong is the founder of Vets for Compassion, a volunteer group that helps displaced and injured wildlife. She has also trained vets who deliver animal welfare work in Bali and China for the last 22 years.

Says Elaine "I arrived in Melbourne 40 years ago as a teenager to complete my tertiary studies. I feel a duty to give back to Australia and to the animals that I feel do not have enough voice or support."


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